
2024-06-23 17:34:00 点击数:34434



























Qingdao Recommendations for the Protection and Return of Cultural Objects Removed from Colonial Contexts or Acquired by Other Unjustifiable or Unethical Means


The International Conference on the Protection and Return of Cultural Objects Removed from Colonial Contexts was held in Qingdao, China on June 20, 2024. representatives from 28 countries and 2 international organisations attended the conference or shared ideas and communicated through video. After discussions, the participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Honduras, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Turkmenistan , United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Yemen have reached a broad consensus and made the following recommendations for the protection and return of cultural objects lost over historical periods:


1.ACKNOWLEDGING that cultural objects (including human remains) constitute a basic element of civilization and of national heritage and identity, and are integral in the expression of cultural heritage and the enjoyment of cultural rights of people from countries of origin;


2.NOTING that as a result of colonial occupation or informal influence of colonial powers (hereinafter referred to as "colonial contexts"), cultural objects that have been expropriated, illicitly excavated, illegally exported, trafficked, or acquired by violence, coercion, duress, and especially those removed during armed conflict, or by other unjustifiable or unethical means, constitute an immeasurable loss for the countries of origin and for the full enjoyment of the cultural rights of their peoples;


3.RECOGNIZING the desire of countries of origin and their peoples for the protection and return of cultural objects that hold profound spiritual, historical and cultural value to them, and REAFFIRMING that the promotion and facilitation of the return of such cultural objects to countries of origin is an ethical or legal duty to foster the fundamental right of access to, and enjoyment of cultural heritage, and to ensure the effective implementation of global cultural and public policies; 

4.EXPRESSING DEEP CONCERN over the increasing need for current international instruments to provide solid legal grounds for the return of cultural objects removed from colonial contexts or acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means, and over potential challenges in the domestic legal frameworks encountered by states with regard to claims for the return of such cultural objects; 

5.EXPRESSING DEEP CONCERN over the growing number of reports of corruption, and incidents of missing, stolen or damaged collections from museums, and UNDERSCORING the importance of reviewing the transparency and security surrounding museum collections, especially those that are historically or culturally sensitive, or of contested ownership, in order to ensure the continuity and preservation of collections for the future generations;


6.RECALLING the wave of decolonization as a global phenomenon, and the Declaration on the Granting of Independence of Colonial Countries and Peoples, and UNDERLINING the process of reflection on, and awareness of the colonial legacy which has led to widespread discourse on decolonization within the field of cultural heritage, all of which have become an important part of South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue;


7.RECALLING the Dunhuang Recommendation on the Protection and Return of Illegally Exported Cultural Property Derived from Clandestine Excavations concluded at the 4th International Conference of Experts on Return of Cultural Property 2014, and the MONDIACULT 2022 Declaration calling for an open and inclusive international dialogue on the return and restitution of cultural property to countries of origin; 

8.APPLAUDING the law reform initiatives of possessor countries, and the initiatives of museums, museum associations and other cultural organisations to develop and implement codes of ethics, guidelines or statements on collections or collection items removed from colonial contexts or acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means, and to cooperate with countries of origin in provenance research and potential return;


9.NOTING that digital technologies and online platforms have the potential to transcend geographical boundaries, enabling information sharing and strengthening coordination and synergies; 

10.NOTING that Asian countries have also been affected by colonial occupation, and many cultural objects with a unique cultural identity and meaning have been removed from these countries; WELCOMING regional cooperation through, inter alia, the dialogue mechanisms focusing on Asian cultural heritage conservation and the Alliance for Cultural Heritage in Asia, under the Global Civilization Initiative and with the determination to build a global community of shared future. 


1.States and heritage holders are encouraged to recognize the injustice of colonial acquisition, and to acknowledge that redressing such injustice stands as one of the foundational principles guiding the approach and policy for dealing with collections of cultural objects removed from colonial contexts or acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means; 

2.All appropriate measures should be taken to prevent theft, misplacement, mismanagement, damage or any other threat to the security and transparency of collections of cultural objects removed from colonial contexts, or acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means and associated data, and to promote and maximize the cultural significance of such cultural objects in terms of their historical, scientific research, artistic, religious and other intangible values as determined by the countries of origin;

3.Heritage holders such as museums, libraries, archives or any other cultural or scientific institutions, are encouraged to prepare an inventory of collections they suspect derived from colonial contexts, including in digital form, and to enable (online) access to the public, countries of origin, and the international community;


4.Heritage holders are encouraged to use modern information technology to digitally reproduce and exhibit collections with colonial backgrounds or believed to be acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means. The form of digitization and exhibition (including online exhibition) of such collections should ensure the participation and consent of countries of origin, through consultation and cooperation, in a manner that respects the significance and interpretation countries of origin give to such cultural objects; 

5.Heritage holders should expeditiously carry out appropriate provenance research on their collections with colonial backgrounds or believed to be acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means, and in this regard, should strengthen cooperation with countries of origin, including by allowing unlimited and unconditional access to provenance documentation, providing cultural objects in digital forms and other relevant information as requested, exchanging knowledge with experts in areas such as archaeology, history, and anthropology, and sharing findings with countries of origin; 

6.States are encouraged to initiate transparent discussion about the return of cultural objects removed from colonial contexts or acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means, and to explore pluralistic and flexible solutions, in order to achieve genuine cooperation and to reach consensus on a legal, political, or ethical foundation; 

7.States are encouraged to adopt specific legislation to ensure that legitimate claims by countries of origin are not subject to private law obstacles such as the statute of limitations or the inalienability laws of the requested country, and are encouraged to consider the possibility of using, inter alia, the process in the rules of procedure on mediation and conciliation adopted by the ICPRCP, on request for the return of cultural objects that goes beyond current international frameworks and ethical guidelines; 

8.States are encouraged to work closely with experts, communities, universities, and other research institutions to conduct academic research on the protection and return of cultural objects removed from colonial contexts or acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means, to implement capacity-building programmes for museums, art dealers and other stakeholders, and to assist countries of origin in improving law enforcement for the protection of cultural heritage; 

9.States are encouraged to raise public awareness and provide educational initiatives to inform the general public about the decolonization of cultural objects and the necessity to protect them, leveraging digital technologies and online platforms; 

10.States are encouraged, after the return of cultural objects removed from colonial contexts or acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means, to jointly establish arrangements or operational frameworks for the protection and exhibition of returned cultural objects, for scientific, cultural and educational purposes including, inter alia, shared stewardship, access to digitalized materials, exchange of collections, joint research and personnel interchange, and to build up sustainable partnership in areas of their common interest; 

11.States are encouraged to give greater consideration and to engage in a broader dialogue and cooperation over the issues and challenges of protection and return of cultural objects removed from Asian countries from colonial contexts or acquired by other unjustifiable or unethical means.












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